Protein Powders
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Whey Protein Powder for Healthy Smoothie Recipes

Smoothie bowl, Granola bowl, and Acai bowl are the easiest and healthiest breakfast which is nutrient-rich, quick and easy to be made. They are made up of granola with powdered fruits and vegetables mixed in almond milk or normal milk with some added toppings of superfood seeds. But another great topping can be Whey Protein Concentrate.
The Smoothie bowl and Granola bowl have a similar taste and texture to the smoothie or granola drinks the only difference is because of the extra added toppings and ingredients the bowls become slightly thicker and easier to eat with a spoon.
In addition to ingredients such as Carrot Powder, Beetroot powder, Mixed Berries, Banana powder, peach powder, etc you can also add nuts and almonds as great toppings. You can also add Vegan protein powders like Hemp Protein powder, Pea protein powder, and Whey protein concentrate to improve your muscle growth and digestive system.
Boost Nutrients provides a wide range of Smoothie ingredients, Fruit Powders and Green vegetable powders. Also protein powders like Fonterra Whey protein powder, organic ingredients, and healthy cereals. Visit our online store to check out all our products in detail.