Smoothie Recipes

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Oaten Acai Porridge a Winter Acai Bowl

Acai Bowl Porridge

It is a cold wet day in June here at Lake Macquarie and the lady lake is totally grey from an overcast sky. On days like this my breakfast ideas quickly look to a nice smooth warm porridge. But for a cancer survivor, or someone wanting to avoid cancer, I am thinking about all the other great nutrients and antioxidants that I can include. So I am thinking an Acai Porridge for a winter Acai Bowl with some of the typical super-food ingredients for toppings.

Acai Bowl Porridge

Acai Bowl Porridge

I love an oaten porridge as your rolled oats quickly stirs into a smooth porridge that is high in protein and nutritionally sound.

Ingredients for Oaten Acai Porridge:

1 cup of Plum Foods organic oats.
1 teaspoon of Amazon Power organic Acai Berry Powder.
1 teaspoon of Boost Nutrients Australian Mango Powder.
1 teaspoon of Boost Nutrients Black Sesame Seeds.
1 teaspoon of Boost Nutrients Australian Bee Pollen.
1 teaspoon of Boost Nutrients Hemp Protein Powder.
1 teaspoon of Boost Nutrients Organic Cacao Powder.
1 1/2 cups of Water, Milk, or Almond Milk.

Method for oaten Acai Porridge:

Add your organic rolled oats to the small saucepan. (This is your biggest ingredient by volume and high quality organic oats are not expensive. So make it organic oats).
Add your choice of fluids. Either water, milk or almond milk. Then stir for 5 mins as you bring it to the boil.
Add your acai berry powder and stir it through. Then pour it into you bowl and sprinkle on your toppings.

Each of these ingredients adds a food that brings you a highly nutritious boost, plus a boost in protein. Additionally, overall your Acai Porridge or winter Acai Bowl is a low GI meal that helps to sustain your energy through the day. Most importantly this combo will give you a high dose of antioxidants that can assist you to heal your body and ward of free radicals
With majority ingredients grown organically or pesticide free your eating clean.

All of these ingredients are grocery lines stocked by Opera Foods in our Smoothie Ingredients Category. and can be purchased consumer direct.

Note:This article was reprinted with permission from, Author: “Acai Porridge Your Winter Acai Bowl.”, Accessed 2019. Healthy Diet, Eat Healthy Live Longer.

The Boost Nutrients business is a wholly own subsidiary of wholesale food Suppliers Opera Foods Pty Ltd.

Quit Random Purchase of Ingredients for Vegetable, Greens & Fruit Smoothies, Buy From Opera Food & Boost Nutrients

A Fruit smoothie with its wonder properties, when taken, as a breakfast food offers the triple benefits of increased Metabolism, weight Reduction and Diet Maintenance.

The most nutritious is Berry Banana, which contains banana, berries, crushed rice, plain yogurt, and honey, ready to go into the fine mix. It supplies Vitamin C antioxidants and minerals.

Green powders and freeze-dried powders make up the rest of the assortment, as ingredients for the whole range of smoothies.

Buy your requirements of smoothie ingredients from or Boost Nutrients superfoods powder from Boost Nutrients.

Are Fruit Smoothies Healthy?

A fruit smoothie is made up of purely whole fruit powder and sometimes diary product such as a little soy milk or a nonfat diary. They are very nutritious and healthy for our body. It provides extra boost of minerals and vitamins to our body as it is made up of crushed fruit skins and pith.

The most nutritious fruit smoothie is the Berry Banana. The ingredients required are 1 ripe banana, cut into pieces, and two cups of berries (mixture of blueberries and strawberries), ½ cup of crushed rice, 2 cups of plain Yogurt and ¼ cup of honey, then you put all of them into the blender and blend them and your berry banana smoothie will be ready. As the Berry Banana smoothie contains strawberries, blueberries and banana they are very rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants.

The benefits of having a Fruit smoothie as your breakfast is, it increases metabolism boosting and further aids in weight loss and diet maintenance.

Ingredients for your Smoothie recipes

Boost Nutrients offer wholesale restaurant & cafe supplies of Acai bowl toppings and smoothie ingredients. Our restaurant supply and wholesale catering supplies enables cafes to quickly produce healthy appealing and delicious smoothies. Also, Granola bowls and Acai bowls. Our greens powders and freeze dried fruit powders simplify the process and yet retain the nutritional value. wholesale food suppliers & catering wholesalers with a difference.