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How to make the perfect frosted berry acai smoothie bowl in a personal blender

frosted acai smoothie bowl

We have all seen a perfectly frosted gelato style acai smoothie bowl, with its ice cream swirls and candy colours. But unless you have a really powerful blender the reality can be quite different. A dreadful crunching noise. The smell of burning motor. By the time you tentatively crush down all the frozen bits, allowing the liquid time to do its work, you have…yay…a smoothie. One that you could drink with a very thin straw.

It is entirely possible to summon up beautifully frozen treats with a personal blender, and we are going to show you how. All it takes is a little forward planning.



To make your frosted berry acai smoothie bowl you will need…

1 large banana worth of frozen banana chunks

4 average size coconut milk ice cubes, made from thick tinned coconut milk

1 cup frozen berries, mostly large ones like strawberries

1 tbsp acai powder

1 tbsp whey concentrate protein powder

1 tsp vanilla

To garnish -

Frozen berries

Coconut flakes


Date syrup

How much time will I need?

Depending on the heat in your kitchen, you will need about 20 to 30 minutes waiting time to semi defrost your fruit and coconut ice cubes. Once that is done, it takes a few minutes to blend your acai smoothie bowl.

Step by step recipe for frosted berry acai smoothie bowl

acai smoothie bowl

Step 1 – semi-defrost

The crucial stage of getting a good texture in your smoothie bowl base is the partial defrosting of the ingredients. Leave the ingredients out to defrost slightly for about 20 to 30 minutes. If your kitchen is hot, they may need less time. You are looking to just take the edge off the hardness so that your personal blender can cope.

If you put the bowl into the freezer it will keep your frosted smoothie colder for longer.

Banana for frosted acai bowl

1 large banana, frozen

coconut ice for acai smoothie bowl

4 coconut milk ice cubes

semi frozen coconut for acai smoothie bowl

frozen berries

semi frozen for acai smoothie bowl

Step 2 – begin blitzing the ingredients

semi frozen for acai smoothie bowl

The coconut ice cubes are blended down first as they are harder than all the other ingredients. The whey concentrate and the acai powder add not only nutrients but help with the texture too.

powder for acai smoothie bowl

Add the powders and blitz to a fine snow.

Step 3 – add the semi-frozen fruits

Add the semi-frozen fruits to the blender and pulse until the smooth. The combination of the ice and the powders, plus the softened fruits, helps the blender to cope without the ingredients melting down. Notice that we are not adding any liquid at all.

acai for acai smoothie bowl

Step 4 – garnish

granola for acai smoothie bowl

Add a little granola for crunch

coconut for acai smoothie bowl

some creamy coconut flakes

Berries for acai smoothie bowl

beautiful frozen berries

date syrup for acai smoothie bowl

A drizzle of date syrup for extra sweetness.

Eat and enjoy. We hope you have fun experimenting with flavours and textures. Don’t forget to visit our bulk buy store for all your acai bowl ingredients.







3 great healthy recipes for smoothies. Boost your power with superfood ingredients.

Healthy recipes for smoothies

Gone are the days when smoothies were purely a way to get your 5-a-day in liquid form. A convenient nutrient booster yes, but mother nature, via modern nutritional science, has given us so much more to play with. These three healthy recipes for smoothies are not only delicious and nutritious in their own right, but also make the most of some clever superfood nutrient boosters to really up the ante. With little or no chopping, and a quick blitz in the blender, these super smoothies will keep you going for the day.

Be prepared!

Alongside your larder of smoothie ingredients, there are a few easy tips you can follow to get the most from these healthy recipes for smoothies. A little quick and easy advance preparation is all it takes. Some of the best smoothies are ice cold and full of semi-frozen texture so make good use of both the freezer as well as the cupboard and you will always be good to go.

  1. Frozen fruits are the mainstay of many a good smoothie. In these recipes we make use of frozen berries and frozen banana slices. Freeze 1 inch chunks of banana laid flat in a freezer bag. Once solid you can fill the bag and store away in the freezer for easy use. This is an excellent way to use up those browner bananas in the fruit bowl, and they taste sweeter that way too. Ditto berries. Whilst you may use commercial bags of frozen berries, freezing those you have left over from fresh is also a great waste saver.
  2. Ice cubes are another good way to get frosty flavour into your healthy smoothie recipes. We make use of coconut milk in these recipes, but you can experiment with anything that might make life a little easier and even control kitchen waste. Try freezing cold teas such as green, earl grey or herbal blends. Think of liquids that you might use and could freeze to give maximum flavour to your smoothies rather than dilute them with ice made from water.

What will I need to make these healthy recipes for smoothies?

As well as coconut milk ice cubes, frozen mixed berries, and frozen banana chunks, here’s the list of ingredients we used for these 3 smoothie recipes. Most of the ingredients came straight from the storecupboard for minimum waste and maximum speed.

  • Vanilla Extract
  • Flaxseed powder, or LSA mix
  • Chia seeds
  • Maca powder
  • Hemp powder
  • Acai powder
  • Goji powder
  • Spinach powder
  • Cacao powder
  • Cacao nibs
  • Dried mulberries
  • Dried dates
  • Milks; coconut, oat, cow
  • Juices; pomegranate
  • Whole limes

Pom berry smoothie recipe

Full of fruity sharp flavour, this berry based smoothie is packed with antioxidant power. Best served immediately whilst still semi frozen, yet still great later if you need to put it a bottle and go.

Makes 1 serving

Berry superfood healthy recipe for smoothie

1 cup pomegranate juice

1/2 cup frozen berries

1 tablespoon acai powder

1 tablespoon goji powder

2 tablespoon dried mulberries

  1. Blitz all ingredients in a blender until smooth and slushie thick.

Lime and green smoothie recipe

A great tasting green smoothie thanks to a healthy shot of lime juice and the creamy calm of coconut. The chia adds an almost ice cream texture and lots of fibre.

Makes 1 serving

Lime green healthy recipe for smoothie

1 cup coconut milk

1 tablespoon flax seed or LSA mix

1/2 cup coconut ice

Flesh of 2 whole limes, plus the zest

2 teaspoon chia seeds

1 tablespoon spinach powder

  1. Blitz all ingredients in a blender until smooth and ice cream thick.

Choc date shake smoothie recipe

Like your favourite chocolate shake with nutritional powerhouse cacao, the sweetness of dates and a kiss of vanilla. The maca powder gives it a hint of malted flavour.

Makes 1 serving

choc date healthy recipe for smoothie

1 cup milk (dairy or non-dairy)

3/4 cup frozen banana

2 tablespoon cacao powder

1 tablespoon cacao nibs

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 pitted dates

1 tablespoon hemp powder

1 teaspoon maca powder


  1. Blitz all ingredients in a blender until smooth and shakey thick.



We hope you are inspired to try these three healthy recipes for smoothies. Let us know how you get on. Our post on top ten acai ingredients looks at the benefits of some of the ingredients used here.


Don’t forget to check out our range of smoothie ingredients, or buy your wholefood bulk groceries online.

Acai Powder Our Consumers Top Pick

Organic Acai Powder is a super concentrated food supplement which is made up of freeze-dried acai berries. These freeze-dried acai berries are actually the pulp of the pure organic acai berries. Boost Nutrients offers many ingredients and superfood toppings which can be used to make acai bowl smoothies and granola smoothies. They have more antioxidants in them than any other superfood powder which is available in the online market of Australia.

Our Organic Acai berry Powder can be available in various packs of different sizes. Our small pack consists of 70kg acai berry powder at a very affordable price of $18.22. You can also go for the medium and large packs which are of 150gm and 250gm. All our products are packed in such a way that retains the high-quality standard of the acai berries. No artificial food preservative is required as it is naturally an antioxidant powerhouse.

Order any of our Acai Berry powder packs and experience the amazing health benefits for yourself. We deliver products in the suburbs of Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane from our online wholesale warehouse of NSW.


Reproduced in part with permission from an article on Opera Foods titled “Acai Powder Buy Acai Berry Powder Australia

Are Fruit and Vegetable Powders Healthy For You?

Boost Nutrients has a range of fresh powdered fruits and vegetables which are highly concentrated and rich in nutrients and vitamins. We are a local Australian brand who provides high-grade smoothie ingredients for healthy breakfast smoothies.

All the products of Boost Nutrients are made in a unique way so that the rich puree of the fruits and vegetable is dried out. We have a variety of fruit and vegetable powder in our online store all equally consisting of its essential vitamins and benefits. As consumers, we are trying to make our diets healthier with natural and organic products. Fruit and vegetable powders are a great source of vitamins and minerals along with protein and fiber.

The Mixed berry fruit powder and the Organic Banana fruit powder are highly recommended products because of its high nutritional value.

See our full range of smoothie and acai bowl ingredients and toppings in our group online shop to get more detailed information about our products.

The Acai Bowl As A Meal Topped With Healthy Nutritional Ingredients And Evolution Into A Smoothie

Let’s start from the smoothie beverage. A smoothie is a richly blended beverage with high consistency. It is first pureed in a blender containing fruits and supplemented sometimes with vegetables. Added liquid such as fruit or vegetable juice, milk or yogurt makes it a complete beverage suitable for consumption as a highly nutritional meal. Without the liquids, the smoothie is much thicker and entails the use of a spoon and a bowl.

Nowadays, a healthy breakfast starts with Gourmet granola which is low on GI (Glycemic Index) and an array of nuts and seeds.

An Acai bowl is one whose main ingredient is pureed Acai berry. Essentially, an Acai bowl is a thick smoothie, sometimes loaded with Granola to give you the crunchy feel. Other fruits and protein powder may also be included to complete the meal. Acai berries powder is a stand-alone superfood of South American origin now grown in Australia.

The convenience is that has driven practice that powdered fruits and vegetables are now NOT freeze dried. Boost Nutrients’ slow drying process ensures that the colors are not lost nor the efficacy of the nutrients.

The toppings for a smoothie Acai Bowl is dictated by the needs of the concerned consumer, say, a bodybuilder would vouch for proteins in the form of hemp seeds or protein powder whereas those with a fetish for anti-cancer foods would ingredients rich in antioxidants. Other possible toppings include Organic  Matcha tea powder, Organic Acai berry powder, Linseed, sunflower and Almond meal and a host of other possibilities ranging from coconut chip flakes, Chia seeds Bee pollen, etc.

Acai Bowl with acai berry powder as an ingredient is now available from Boost Nutrients and distributor Opera Foods wholesale food Suppliers Sydney Melbourne and Brisbane