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Breakfast healthy smoothie recipe. Get the best possible start to your day!

This breakfast healthy smoothie recipe is ready in minutes and can even be made using only store cupboard ingredients.
A thick and satisfying smoothie makes the perfect breakfast, quick to make and easy to digest it gives you everything you need in one delicious go.
So why not start your day the right way with all the nutrients you need to be at your best.
Breakfast healthy smoothie recipe
Easy to drink, and easy to digest, this breakfast smoothie will fill you up and keep you feeling fuller for longer. Made with milk as a base, it is up to you whether you go dairy or non-dairy. With added protein powder for a creamier texture and extra amino acids, again you can choose whether to go dairy or plant-based. Banana is the ideal fruit for breakfast, particularly in a smoothie where it blends into creamy sweetness. Not just about flavour though, banana packs a punch in the nutrient department with resistant starch for blood sugar control and plenty of heart-healthy potassium. Oats deliver that all important carbohydrate energy, but in the slow-release form of beta-glucan.
Throw in some maca powder for its magical powers and add in a dash of flax for fibre. By the way, did you know that both of these superfoods helps to balance hormones? Yeap. And that is just as relevant for men as it is for women.
To make this recipe you will need…
2 cups milk, dairy or non-dairy
1 banana, frozen in chunks or 1 tbsp banana powder
1/3 cup oats
3 tbsp whey concentrate or vegan protein powder
1 tbsp maca powder
1/4 cup raw almonds
1 tbsp flax powder or LSA mix
For the garnish
Drizzle of honey
1 tbsp bee pollen
And now for the method…
There’s only 3 steps.
- Blitz
- Pour
- Garnish with bee pollen and a drizzle of honey
Take a look at all of our ingredients for smoothies or you can even bulk buy online direct from us.
Boost your ginger shots with superfood smoothie ingredients

Fresh ginger is a powerful ingredient, one that in the quest for optimal nutrition you will want to include in your repertoire of superfood smoothie ingredients.
A powerful antioxidant, in recent years ginger has been somewhat eclipsed by its carotene cousin turmeric. But ginger has been used for its medicinal properties for thousands of years and can help with everything from fighting the common cold to controlling blood sugar.
One of the best ways to benefit from the anti-inflammatory properties of ginger is to pack it into juices and smoothies. A one-a-day must, especially in the winter months, ginger shots are a handy way to make the most of ginger. Boosted with superfood powders, simply stirred in, they are an essential addition to your nutritional arsenal.
Essential smoothie ingredients – ginger
Making a range of healthy ginger shots is quick and easy. It is up to you whether you choose to juice your ginger, or blitz it in a blender; we use a blender and trap the inevitable fibres in a sieve. There are so many flavours you could add to your ginger shots, all with additional nutritional benefits of their own, but we have used apple, lemon and pomegranate respectively. Boost the recipes with additional superfood powders, to make a green shot for instance. A quick way to get your daily dose of superfoods.
Three easy ginger shot recipes
To make 3 x 60ml ginger shots you will first need to make a batch of ginger juice. Once the pulp is sieved away you can then stir in additional juices, plus superfood boosters if you wish.
To prepare the ginger juice in a blender, blitz 200g peeled ginger together with 120 ml water. Press the resulting liquid through a sieve (use the pulp in stir fries and other dishes; it may not be as potent but still a good source of flavour and fibre). You should yield 120ml ginger juice. Clearly you can make more if you wish, to prepare an infinite number of shots, but do bear in mind that after 48 hours the quality of your juice will begin to deteriorate.
Ginger and apple shot
- Add 20ml pressed apple juice to 40ml ginger juice and stir/shake to combine.
Superboost bonus – add 1/2 teaspoon green powder such as kale or spinach
Ginger and lemon shot
- Stir 20ml fresh lemon juice into 40ml ginger juice.
Superboost bonus – add 1/2 teaspoon carrot powder
Ginger and pomegranate shot
- Combine 20ml fresh pomegranate juice with 40ml ginger juice.
Superboost bonus – add 1/2 teaspoon acai powder
So, three easy ginger shots to start you off on your ginger shot journey to optimised health. Try all three, and see what variations of your own you can come up with…
As always, you can find more ingredients for smoothies than you can shake a stick here at Boost Nutrients, or visit our bulk food store for superfoods at wholesale prices.
Organic Cacao Nibs an Ideal Wholefood Topping

Organic Cacao Nibs by Boost Nutrients is amoung ideal organic wholefood ingredients & toppings for an acai bowl or granola bowl and nutritious breakfast smoothies. The only ingredients of organic cacao nibs organic are of course organic cocao beans. Cacao Nibs are tiny chunks of crushed cacao beans which contain a chocolaty as well as slightly bitter flavour. These cacao beans are a natural plant food produced from beans of the cacao tree. Our Organic Cacao Nibs contain 300 photochemical, flavonoids as well as 4 times the antioxidants of dark chocolate. Cacao nibs are regarded as the greatest source of antioxidants of natural plant products. Great foods to boost your immune system
Antioxidants are helpful for preventing age symptoms as well as assisting with several kinds of disease. Raw cacao is also good for the central nervous system; hence, the professionals of health suggest having raw cacao every day. Raw cacao nibs are gluten-free.
Boost Nutrient brand Organic Cacao Nibs are packed in resealable bags. We always suggest keeping all unopened packs in a cool and dry place. Never keep the bags open as it may get moisture.
Visit the Boost Nutrients website for more details. Buy Organic Cacao Nibs wholesale now and grab online discounts for bulk orders.
Organic Peach Fruit Powder Perfect for Making Healthy Smoothies

Boost Nutrients produce great fruit and vegetable powders, toppings for acai bowl, and smoothie ingredients. The Organic Peach Fruit Powder is very popular among and provides a superior taste and fine nutrition. Boost Nutrients utilize completely different technologies for drying products and it is generally made with low temperature with the constant process of evaporation that does not destroy nutrients.
Fruit Powder Re-hydration Rate
Understanding fruit powder re-hydration rate. Our Organic Peach Fruit Powder has a high re-hydration rate. Add 572ml of water to 100g of this product to give 672 of re-hydrated product. So you can literally pull a fresh highly nutritious fruit juice out of your pantry to make the basis of your smoothie. Not fruit to fetch and carry and chop or squeeze?
Organic Peach Fruit Powder is produced from organic peaches which is perfect for making healthy smoothies. It is also an ideal for acai bowl and granola toppings. This Organic Peach Fruit Powder is GMO free, vegan friendly, gluten free as well as allergen free. It is rich in protein, fiber, vitamin E, minerals and more that helps to build natural immunity to resist illness. Organic Peach Fruit Powder contains no chemicals and other preservatives.
Organic Coconut Chips Stabilizes Blood Sugar as Well as Cholesterol Levels

Organic Coconut Chips is another prime acai bowl ingredient product of a Boost Nutrients brand. Boost nutrients are organic food and ingredient distributors and suppliers to Australian retailers and groceries. Opera Foods are the parent company of Boost Nutrients.
Shaved Organic Coconut Chips contain protein, fats, carbohydrates, sugars, sodium all natural wholefood goodness that helps our immune system to resist against illness.
Organic Coconut Chips an ideal ingredient
Organic coconut is an ideal food for morning breakfast and snacks that can be taken with muesli or granola, moreover, it can be used for the purpose of baking as well as desserts and sometimes as a garnishing for an exotic dishes.
The highly nutritious acai bowl, as well as smoothies, can be topped with the help of Organic Coconut Chips. Organic Coconut Chips are rich in zinc and other minerals that help to advocate the natural defense system of an individual. It aids to control blood sugar as well as cholesterol level of an individual.
Vegan Vitality and Immune Power with Organic Beetroot Powder

Organic beetroot powder is a vegetable powder product of the Boost Nutrients brand. Boost nutrients are the distributors of respected superior quality food powders to retailers as well as cafes.
Boost Nutrients is conducted and owned by an Australian Family Food Business Opera Foods. Organic beetroot vegetable powder is basically allergen-free as well as gluten-free. Healthy and nutritious smoothies can be produced with the help of organic beetroot powder.
Healthy smoothies can be regarded as a healthy breakfast as it contains protein, carbohydrates, sugars, sodium. It contains high nutrient retention owing to the unique process of drying technology. It is produced from the natural pulp of organic beetroot. It helps to increase immune power as well as the vitality of an individual. Its another vegan food ingredient for vitality.
Our 500g bag is pictured and also available in 100g pouch for consumer direct orders.
Buy it online from Opera Foods, Australia’s wholesale cafe foods suppliers.
Spinach Vegetable Powder Prevents Oxidative Stress and Blood Pressure

Boost Nutrients produce multi-varied items such as vegetable powder, fruit powder and several kinds of smoothie recipes. Boost Nutrients is basically an Aussie brand which consumes mainly garden-fresh raw ingredients, from Australia where possible, and it also consumes high-quality ingredients from respective overseas suppliers. The main goal of Boost Nutrients is to provide healthy energy drinks and meal toppings and to ease the respective process of producing smoothies.
Spinach vegetable powder is one of the vegetable powders that help to prevent blood pressure, cancer, and several other severe diseases. Spinach vegetable powder is rich in phytonutrients, antioxidants, flavonoids as well as carotenoids. It is produced by the process of drying whole spinach leaf pulp. Spinach powder is green in color and it has a mild flavor of spinach. Using this powder, people can make smoothies and juices of spinach. Moreover, it can be used in soups, salad dressings as well as savory dishes.
Organic Cacao Powder Rich in Polyphenols Which Contain Healthy Benefits

Organic Cacao powder is a product of offered by Boost Nutrients that makes a perfect smoothie or acai bowl topping or ingredient. Cacao powder is produced from the Cacao beans that originated in South America.
It can now be available in every shop in Australia; moreover, people can purchase it from our online store. The powdered form of the product has become popular across different countries as it is easy to sprinkle on meals to increase your intake. Organic Cacao powder is considered as a healthy nutrient intake.
People can upgrade the nutrient value of smoothie shakes with the help of Organic Cacao powder. It can be used in smoothie bowl ingredients, toppings for granola bowl and Acai bowl. Organic Cacao powder is made up from crushed respective cacao beans which is slightly bitter and chocolate in flavor. According to research packs of Organic Cacao powder are considered to contain more calcium than cow’s milk. Organic Cacao powder helps to prevent depression, stress, blood pressure, heart attack, and several other severe diseases.
Buy Organic Cacao powder online from our Parent company online health food store at Opera Foods.
Boost Nutrients is a subsidiary of wholesale food suppliers Opera Foods Pty Ltd.